Org. Yacon Syrup

Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is an ancestral tuber with a natural sweet taste due to its content of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) with a low glycemic index. It is also prebiotic, is low in calories, vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free!

It’s a great option for those who are looking for a little sweetness without the blood sugar side effects!

Yacon syrup can be added to many preparations instead of honey, maple syrup, molasses, or agave, and replace sugar in many recipes

Industrial Use: in salad dressing, bakery, desserts, and pastries, in smoothies, beverages, chocolate, energy bars, among others.

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Additional information


Highland of the Andes of Peru

Raw Material

Unprocessed Organic Yacon Tuber

Seasonal Harvest

May – July

Shipping time

May to July


30 Kgs HDPE gallon container


Free of GMO, Gluten-free, Non-Allergen



Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is an ancestral tuber with a natural sweet taste due to its content of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) with a low glycemic index. It is also prebiotic, is low in calories, vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free!

It’s a great option for those who are looking for a little sweetness without the blood sugar side effects!

Yacon syrup can be added to many preparations instead of honey, maple syrup, molasses, or agave, and replace sugar in many recipes

Industrial Use: in salad dressing, bakery, desserts, and pastries, in smoothies, beverages, chocolate, energy bars, among others.

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